- Nov 22, 2022
- Albert Yu

Y4 Writing (Horror Stories Unit)
Study these story starters and see if you can grab the reader in your first paragraph!
I stumbled into the bathroom and stared in horror at my reflection in the mirror. I usually looked dreadful first thing in the morning, but today it was worse than usual. Somehow, during the night, I had transformed into a…
Kate looked up at the creature. Had it really spoken to her, or could she still be dreaming. No, this wasn’t a dream – this was a living nightmare. And the monster was opening its slavering mouth to speak again. It said…
There was blood everywhere! I checked my body and was relieved to discover that it wasn’t my own blood although, in a way, that made things worse. That meant the blood had come from…
Aaron crouched in the darkened alley, the makeshift weapon clutched in his trembling hands. Then, suddenly, there it was – the thing that had started all of this. He knew what he had to do…
I pressed the button on the remote again and again, but it was no use. The television just wouldn’t turn off. And there was the face on the screen again, crying out to me. The face of…
The hand burst up out of the soil, fingers twitching as they touched fresh air again for the first time in decades. He was back and, this time, he was determined to…
Have a go at creating your own scary story starter from the prompt from this week’s practice.